Chandelier Measuring and Hanging Guide

How high should you hang a chandelier?  How big should a chandelier be in a room?  How high should you hang a chandelier above a table?  Get these answers, plus more designer lighting tips and printable worksheets.

How High Should You Hang a Chandelier?

Make sure people have enough space to walk under the light without bumping their heads.

Allow for at least 7' (ideally 7' 6") of clearance to the floor.

How High Should You Hang a Chandelier Over a Table?

The bottom of a chandelier should be 30 inches to 36 inches above your tabletop.

Hanging Lights Over a Kitchen Island

• Allow for 30-36 inches of clearance to the countertop. • Space pendants about 30 inches apart. • The number of lights is determined by your island size and the pendant size.

In a bedroom, a chandelier can be centered in the room or over the bed. The ideal hanging height depends on the placement in the room.

Hanging Lights Over Nightstands

Hang chandeliers or pendant lights 20 to 30 inches above your nightstands.  The light should be at about the same height as a bedside table lamp.

Choose chandeliers that are proportionate to your nightstands.  A good rule of thumb is to choose a light that is half the width of the nightstand.

Calculating the Size of Nightstand Lights

Width (inches) ÷ 2   = ______________ Diameter  of chandelier (inches)

Use this simple formula to choose the right size or scale chandelier for your room.


Measure the length of the room and the width of the room, in feet. Add those numbers together to calculate the ideal chandelier diameter (in inches).

Length + Width=??

Visit the link below for more chandelier hanging tips and the printable Chandelier Measuring & Hanging Guide with worksheets.